
Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. You can never do your best, which should always be your trademark, if you are cutting corners and shirking responsibilities. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things.”-Og Mandino

She walks into a room and it is extremely hard to not be attracted to her aura- that of kindness and true beauty inside and out. As a mother, as a wife, and as a businesswoman she serves her many roles with grace and class. It is an honor to introduce you to Mrs. Mia Thornton- the epitome of a #bossbabe. 

Beautiful Photo by @Goliathworldwide

Beautiful Photo by @Goliathworldwide

There is something about her- a spark, a charismatic essence of intelligence and glamour. But, of all these qualities, what I admire most about Mia is her work ethic. She never seizes an opportunity to grow her brand and her business. 

She is a Regional Multi-Clinic Owner of The Joint Chiropractic as well as Founder & CEO of Amilleon London. It is no coincidence that she owns multiple offices-12 operating and 3 under construction to be exact. What attributes to Mia’s success? Her infectious spirit of intentionality and how she ALWAYS ensures both her personal and professional moves are met with purpose and determination. She is unforgiving and relentless in her pursuit of success. She is organized and keen on protecting and allocating her time to her growth and loving her family. 

As a wife and mother, she reigns her household as a Queen, fiercely loving her husband yet with gentleness and passion-pouring into her three beautiful children. Whether she is sharing with me her knowledge on how to grow and build my brand or teaching me how to successfully potty train my toddler, Mia loves to share her wealth of life experience and lessons into other women to help them grow. This is what I truly love about this powerhouse woman-her ability to make everyone around her BETTER. 

To know her is to be inspired by her. 

Meet Mrs. Mia Thornton— WIFE. MAMA. CEO. 

Dom: What motivates Mia to wake up every morning and be fabulous? How do you overcome setbacks? 


Mia: My daughter is my motivator; my world changed the day she was born. I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit and put my all into whatever I was working towards, but since she was born, I feel as though I can't cut corners or hide because she's watching. My entire purpose is to lead and show her the true meaning of life. 

 Every day is not as fabulous as we may want to believe, and I'm faced with many challenges from generational curses to present-day socioeconomic stereotypes. I maintain by living by the quote "The Comeback is always better than the Setback," and I believe that setbacks are an essential part of growth, which makes me a stronger woman.

Dom: As a mother, what legacy are you building?  How do you hope to impact your children in the most powerful of ways?

Mia: To lead by example, in hopes that they become positively impacted by the standards set within our personal life and work life. My goal is to create a platform for my children to be a boss. Never to have to start at the bottom yet encompass the basic principles of how to build and manage their empires. We are very transparent with our children and teach self-accountability starting at age 2 in our home. 

I want them to have a sense of normality so I let them make mistakes to know how it feels to fail.  Without the fear of failure, I firmly believe they will never live to their potential. I teach them that they have choices, and no one dictates their happiness. To be fearless and conquer everything, their little hearts desire.


Dom: What is your advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women, that desire to build an empire? 

Mia: The advice I would share with women who have the desire to build their empire would be to surround yourself with women who are on the same mission as you.  Keep your conversations purposeful, and don't waste your time. To know your worth and believe you can achieve. Never doubt and start with the end in mind.

Dom: How do you maintain your identity, thrive as a mom, and successfully run your business entities? 

 I'm building an empire that fuels my passion so my identity remains true to me. Planning my time with my kids with specific goals and activities helps keep me balanced. I set strict boundaries on work hours, date nights and family time because we found that if we don't schedule it, it's easy to work through it all. 

 The hardest part of running my businesses is managing my team.  Keeping everyone motivated and driven to work hard is my daily focus.  I learned a long time ago that people do not work for companies; people work for people so I continually educate my brain as to how to keep my team engaged with my vision.  It all cycles back to holding everyone accountable for their job and inspect what I expect with respect. 

Dom: What are your five favorite things to do in Charlotte? 


Mia: I love all of the networking, "mix and mingle" opportunities the city has to offer. As a couple, my husband and I thoroughly enjoy Wine Tastings or Dinner and a Movie at Studio Movie Grill. As a family, we enjoy strolling the Greenway to Freedom Park and visiting one of the many outdoor eateries in Uptown Charlotte.

Follow this #bossbabe and her continuous journey to greatness @MrsMiaThornton

Edited by @Joy Davis