
“Absolutely nothing can stop her. A woman on a mission needs no permission.”


It is simple-her energy, and beautiful smile are contagious. Asia Saffold always finds a way to bring joy to everyone she encounters. She resonates with an aurora of grace and pure beauty, and Asia is that girlfriend that always has positive energy and an uplifting spirit, despite what chaos may be unleashing in the world. Although she currently resides in Los Angeles, CA and Nashville, TN, this beautiful North Carolina native is the epitome of Southern Charm, slaying her roles as an amazing wife, mom, and businesswoman.

As the founder and CEO (Chief Encouraging Officer) of The Balanced Mom- a lifestyle brand and blog committed to encouraging women everywhere to grow and build a life of balance, purpose, and fulfillment-Asia is refreshingly living in her truth. She freely celebrates those who are representing womanhood and motherhood so graciously. She fills our timeline with her to killer vacations, her beautiful babies, her unwavering faith, her passion for sharing clean beauty and personal care products, her impeccable fashion sense, and her fun fitness encouragement like the #DrankMoWater challenge.

This October, in honor of her 30th birthday, she is launching an interview series called “30 before 30: The Courage Project,” an effort to host 30 powerful conversations with 30 women on the topic of overcoming fears and developing courage.

When Asia and I sat down for conversation and mimosas at the Vluxe Spa just north of her hometown in Charlotte, North Carolina, we laughed, posed for pictures, and chatted about motherhood, our career ambitions, our passions in life -and the motivators that keep us pressing forward. After our amazing conversation and laughing until my cheekbones hurt, we came to a consensus that as women, we have to take ownership and responsibility for our joy and happiness. If you lose your identity in your relationships and your children, which let’s be honest happens to many of us at some point in our lives, you have to fight to bring yourself back and remain sane amongst the chaos and beauty of motherhood. This topic of self-care was just one of the many gems we explored. Tune in below for more from our in-depth discussion.

An Intimate Interview with Asia Saffold, CEO The Balanced Mom


Dom: What motivates Asia to wake up every morning and be fabulous? How do you overcome setbacks? 

Asia: Each morning, I’m driven to be the best version of me so I can serve my family and my community. I’m determined to make an impact and leave a legacy of substance. I know in my heart that we were all uniquely created, we all have something special to contribute and working together as the body of Christ, we can accomplish great things. 

I take my role seriously.  I believe the Lord puts ideas and causes on my heart so that I can bring about change in the world –– small and large. If I can help others achieve more and be better, I am doing my job. That includes making my kids good citizens of the world, helping inspire other women through my blog, supporting important causes, and so much more. 

I believe that everything in life comes down to mindset and grace. You either overcome or you surrender, whatever the situation, and you can either do it kicking and screaming or with grace. 

I think it’s important to remember that setbacks or hardships are inevitable –– it’s part of life. Usually, setbacks are lessons that needed to be learned or are otherwise positioning me on a better path. I truly believe in God’s timing, and sometimes what I want doesn’t come when I want it. Even though it’s frustrating, when I remind myself that it simply wasn’t meant for me right now, I can accept it with grace. 

For me, as a mom of two young kids, grace is such an important gift. Giving myself grace when life is chaotic, or when there’s an unexpected emergency–– even if sometimes it’s not easy to do. That includes giving others grace, too. With this mindset, setbacks can be viewed as a blessing to reset and come back better than before. 

Dom: As a mother, what legacy are you building?  How do you hope to impact your children in the most powerful of ways? 

Asia: When my kids look back on their childhood, I want them to remember that their mom followed her passions. Mom was a loving, giving mother and wife, but there was more to her. She didn’t surrender her identity –– she didn’t shrink herself. Instead, she helped build others up around her and inspire others to greatness. 

I sincerely believe that I am taking all the steps for that legacy to come to fruition. It’s so important to me to show my children that mom has her own dreams, and it’s her duty to follow them, too.

Some of the passions that have been placed on my heart include paving the way and opening doors for black women in spaces where we are underrepresented or typically unwelcome. I want to give access to other black women to claim their space –– to pursue their dream and take up space. I believe I have the ability to be in those spaces and inspire them to do it, too. Something I’m especially passionate about is clean beauty. Women of color are disproportionately impacted by toxins in beauty products we used (and don’t get me started on the lack of products that actually match our skin), and we deserve a voice at the table. I am trying to be one of those voices.

With my brand, I want to provide a platform to share other inspiring women. To lift up other women, especially black women and mamas, and to highlight the powerful stories we all have to share. 

As a mother, I hope to inspire my children to find their passions and to be unapologetic in the pursuit of their dreams. I want them to stand firm in their right to freely express themselves. To trust God in everything they do and to be guided by Him in all things. 

A final thought. You know what they say –– well-behaved women seldom make history. It’s okay to be extra! Go for your dreams, don’t apologize for it, but do lift others up on your way to the top. 


Dom: How is the work you do with The Balanced Mom serving the community and positively impacting lives? 

Asia: At The Balanced Mom, we strive to encourage moms everywhere to create a life they love. That means embracing the journey, and being real about the highs and lows of motherhood –– how we moms balance it all. 

We give inspiring tips to improve the wellness of mothers everywhere –– physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That means educating about safer, cleaner personal care products, leading healthy-habit challenges, sharing self-care habits, and so much more. 

The goal is not only to inspire women but to also empower them with tools that allow them to build the life they love. To find personal freedom and peace. It’s the deep, internal work and reflection that will get women to achieve a new level. In this social media age, everything stays on the surface so often. People are only showing their highlight reels and are afraid to go deep –– to show their imperfections, dig in, and do the work. At The Balanced Mom, we know this is the only way that change happens. We choose to share our highs and lows, and how to level-up to allow other women to breakthrough.

I truly believe that women helping other women is what changes the world. When one woman thrives, so does her community. With more moms living inspired lives, the world will be a better, more loving place. That is what guides The Balanced Mom

Dom: How do you maintain your identity, thrive as a mom, and slay as a wife? 

Asia: This is such a complex question, but the answer is really simple. It comes down to two things. First, I must stay grounded in the word of God, always. Second, I must remember to put my well-being as a priority. When I do both of these things, everything else falls into place. 

Dom: Your five favorite things to do Los Angeles?

I’m so very blessed to call one of my favorite cities in the world, Los Angeles, home! I love LA for so many reasons, one of which is because there’s always something to do. We’ve lived in LA for years, and I never tire of it. I love playing tourist in my own city or showing it off to friends and family who come to visit. Some of my favorite things to do in LA:

Go on a hike. The scenery here is breathtaking. Whether you’re looking for beach, mountain, city, or Hollywood Hills homes, there’s everything here for you. I love taking a hike to clear my head, take a deep breath, and find peace to take in God’s beautiful creations. It’s such a fun way to exercise and a great solo or group activity.

Try a new restaraumt. LA is a foodie’s paradise –– around every corner there’s something delicious. A favorite hobby of mine is trying new restaurants, foods, or dining experiences. Whether it’s a fancy Michelin starred restaurant or a delicious food truck, there’s so much good food.

Some of my favorites restaurants and hidden gems are Blue Plate (BP) Oysterette in Santa Monica, Baadmash on Fairfax, Nobu in Malibu, and Catch LA. My number one, all-time fave is Mastro’s Malibu.

Visit an amusement park. My top three picks are Universal Studios, Six Flags, and Underwood farms. It’s a great time with the kids or even without. I know, I know. I judged the adults without kids at Universal before, too. But trust me, it’s a blast to grab your crew and head to the amusement park –– ride the rides, eat all the food, and remember being a kid (and maybe forget that you’re a parent for the afternoon!).

Enjoy the beach. I love heading to the beach -– there’s never a bad time for the beach. During the day, we love to bring a picnic and enjoy the sand and sun. At night, grab your family and friends and enjoy a bonfire in the sand.

Attend a pro-sports game. It just wouldn’t be a must-do in LA without a pro sporting event, right? There are so many choices in LA, there’s always a game going on that you’d be crazy not to attend a game! Whatever your favorite sport, we’ve got it. Football games are so lively –– the teams are really good and it feels like you’re in a concert. So much energy! Maybe you’re into basketball, so hit up the Staples Center for a Lakers or Clippers game. Or if baseball is your jam, there’s the Dodgers. Hey, maybe you’re into soccer –– so see the Galaxy. Seriously, there are so many choices!

Take a moment to check out my full interview by @goliathviews with Queen Asia Saffold