The Best of Beauty

“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.” — Unknown
Just a regular day at Urban Solutions RX. Tucked away in her office, Rachel and I, prepping for our photoshoot. Rachel is putting a last-minute curl in her hair and touching up her gorgeous red lip, me, rocking baby Journei to sleep, Joy Davis, the creative genius of The Firm, giving us direction on how to perfectly capture our angles and Goliath, our photographer, changing out his media card and adjusting his lens.
Photo by @Goliathviews
As Rachel and I began to pose with fierceness oozing from our glowing skin courtesy of the amazing products from her coveted line Urban Skin RX at Urban Skin Solutions,— our photoshoot is briefly interrupted by one of her media team representatives who walks into her office and announces so casually and calmly-”Our combination skin cleansing bar just won an Allure Best of Beauty Award.”
Rachel is a fierce leader. With her humble yet hard-working spirit, she immediately pauses from our slayonce photo session, looks up from her desk and is filled with a combination of shock and joy.
“Are you serious?” she asked her employee in utter disbelief.
“Yes,” -he casually responds and closes her door, and we all watch her soak in the incredible moment- the joy from the gratification she feels after one of her longtime business goals are met. Rachel, with her many (well deserved) accolades, has put in the work and has reciprocated the fruits of many late nights, long days and endless hours of commitment to formulating her award-winning skincare line Urban Skin Solutions, for a while now.
An Allure Best of Beauty Award recipient is like winning a Grammy award in the Beauty industry- the pinnacle, the notoriety, and the respect from industry experts. Rachel’s honor is for her coveted combination skin cleansing bar which her clients regularly rave about.
This was such a beautiful moment to a witness-A boss, a queen, a hard-working, confident woman who built a multifaceted company serving an underrepresented demographic, from the ground up received this well-deserved honor.
Although it was the combination skin cleansing bar that was named an @allure best of beauty winner, Urban Skin RX has received recognition on hundreds of media outlets- Ebony Magazine, Essence, to name a few.
So what exactly is an @allure best of beauty award, and why is it so adored and honored in this industry?
Allure beauty experts consist of cosmetic chemists, dermatologists, manicurists, makeup artists and hairstylists that undergo weeks of testing hundreds of products to find out what they love most and what they think customers will open their own wallets for.
Three hundred and six products are worthy of a Best of Beauty Award — and the red stamp of Allure approval. That’s no small number, but it’s a teeny-tiny itsy-bitsy fraction of the number of beauty products that came through their offices (and your feeds) this year.
One of those three hundred and six products was formulated and created by Rachel.
As we finish up our photoshoot that day, hype and excitement with a renewed energy, Rachel calls her mom close loved ones to share with them the fantastic news. I couldn’t help but beam with pride for her.
As a woman who consistently strives for success, to see another woman reach one of her pinnacle goals is inspiring and sexy as hell.
Rachel's accolades motivates me to keep going and fearlessly pursue every dream and goal that I have a desire to accomplish.
Clap for the women around you that are killing the game and making their dreams come to fruition. Encourage them and uplift them because they deserve it, and as you reach your goals and doors of opportunity start to swing open for you, those same women will be right there in your corner cheering you on.
For more information about this boss babe, follow Rachel and Urban Skin Solutions @UrbanskinFounder
Edited by Joy Davis