The End & The Beginning
"The end of my pregnancy represents the beginning of a beautiful life with my son."

I am writing this message just seven days after giving birth to my son and the pictures taken for this entry were photographed by the beautiful team at Lavish Moments Photography only four days prior to his arrival. He blessed us with his presence at 38 weeks, and while we knew his due date was quickly approaching, I thought I had more "time" to prepare for the moment that he would grace the world with his existence. During his delivery, everything happened so fast and unexpected that it never dawned on me that what seemed like the longest nine months of my life, in all its glory and stress, would change so abruptly after I gave birth. These photos capture some of the final days of carrying my baby, and during these moments, I felt powerful, anxious to meet my sequel, uncomfortable and amazed by my body's ability to grow a tiny human. 

Numerous times throughout my pregnancy, I looked crazy and felt the total opposite of the woman you see in these pictures. Some days "getting dressed up" was an impossible and daunting task. When I witnessed other moms dressed with confidence, positive cheer and a cute outfit, I thought, kudos to them-I just want to shower, moisturize my skin, and maybe get a workout in to ease my mind and growing body. Frequently, during my third trimester, I no longer recognized myself. When it came to my self-esteem, I struggled with what I thought I should look like and how I thought I should feel versus the reality of what I saw and the emotions I felt.   

My moment of truth came from reminding myself that comparison is the ultimate thief of joy and inner peace.

My primary lesson learned during this nine month journey was to love myself wherever I am in the moment. If I am sexy and slaying or tired, fatigue and barely making it through my day, I will ALWAYS LOVE and APPRECIATE the unique and beautiful woman that I am constantly striving to become mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Beautiful Photo By Lavish Moments Photography

Beautiful Photo By Lavish Moments Photography


Mommies please don't forget to take care of yourselves, embrace your sexy, unique style, and your growing or shrinking belly. For bringing life into this world is God's most amazing creation. The end of my pregnancy is the beginning of a beautiful life with my son. 

Outfit Details Listed Below

Amazingly comfortable nude and black dresses by Body Bump
Classic Yet Sexy Nude YSL Sandals  & Christian Louboutin Thigh High Boots 
Sparkly & Gorgeous Custom Sensabaugh Bomber by Tiiaraj
Subtle yet elegant Jewelry by Lana Jewelry
Pink clutch by Valentino 