Dear Son

A Letter To My Son
Dear Jamaar,
I promise to protect you. Love you unconditionally and hold your hand when you are afraid. I promise to cultivate your creative spirit, teach you multiple foreign languages and cut the edges off your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
I promise we will go to church on Sundays, and even if you sneak study your school work during the sermon the way I did, I know God will sow seeds into your life that will blossom into a strong, unwavering faith as you grow older.
I promise to support your dreams and instill in you an impeccable work ethic and empathy for mankind. I promise to feed you nutritious, healthy meals regularly throughout the week and a plethora of sweet treats and ice cream on Fridays.
I promise to fight for equality and justice in this world to make it a better place for you and future generations.
I promise to be the loudest most obnoxious parent as I spectate during whatever passion you pursue. I will be your biggest fan!
I promise to help you with your homework and attend all your school-related functions.
Finally, when you are older and you find a woman that loves you the way I love your father, I promise to let you go and let you love and nurture your own family. Just promise me you will let me and your dad spoil our grandkids occasionally.
I Love You Forever,