
“Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.”
Playtime is a non-negotiable in our household. Now, with FOUR littles under FIVE, our playtime routine and play area are hot commodities.
Being a Mama can feel like a circus some days, and keeping a clean space can be daunting, but that doesn’t mean your home has to look like one too! Between the play dough, paint, pizza crumbs, and all other sticky messing things my kids concoct, I needed a playmat that was not only stylish and matched our aesthetic but that was functional, durable, and could be thoroughly cleaned.
I love my @NOA ROAM FREE® PLAY MAT. It brings serenity to our kid’s play space - more closely resembling a beautiful rug, it’s easy to clean and highly durable for our daily messes.
Roam Free play mats don’t force parents to compromise style for function. Instead, they complement your room’s color scheme while creating a safe, serene play space for my babies to explore.
It’s a peaceful place to change baby Joilee’s diaper, a fun space to review letters with Big Jus, a functional space to color with my artist Journei or a great mat to race cars with Jamaar.
They are woman-owned! Their products have been developed by a mom for moms. They believe in togetherness - families spending time together, indoors and outdoors - on their mats! Their products are held to the highest quality and safety standards.
Not to mention, they have the most stylish mats in the game!
Video by @Fadeawayzproductions