True Love

There's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap. -Kevin James
Beautiful Photo by Kmarie
Ahhhh my good ole friend pizza. Some say this long-standing comfort food has a bad reputation now that everyone is “gluten free, dairy free, sugar-free, fat-free” and free from all forms of enjoyment and deliciousness. But, honestly, I feel like pizza is the one food that never fails me. During every facet of my life, pizza has always been there. As a kid stuffing my face full of Pizza Hut’s personal pan pizza was moms way of celebrating a successful work week. When she fed us Pizza Hut, I felt like all was right in the world as soon as the buttery crust hit dipped in marinara sauce hit my tongue and I washed it down with a side of fruit punch, I felt like all was right in the world.
Or during my time in undergrad at Clemson University when my then boyfriend, Young Sense (also known as my now hubby) would purchase a slice of Papa John's pizza for me to scarf down in between my jam-packed schedule of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Or when I worked late nights as a bartender and would eat my face off in Tadaro’s pizza after a long yet entertaining Thursday night shift. I could literally eat a whole pizza and never gain a pound. So much for my metabolism in my early twenties.
Beautiful Photo by Kmarie
How about now as a new mom who sometimes can’t get around to making dinner while conquering the world? I can always have pizza night with my hubby and Marri man who by himself can eat a slice and a half!
Here is to you Pizza for always showing me love throughout each stage of my life. For your consistency in providing a not so nutritious but, always delicious meal and for loving me the way I love you!
Beautiful Photo by Kmarie