
Dear Journei,
Beautiful Photo by @CharmariePhotography
Giving birth to you, my precious little girl has changed me! You have made me a stronger woman, and more determined to make the world a better place. You have lit a fire in my heart that I have never experienced at any previous moment of my life.
I never thought about my future with such intention and never has my sense of purpose been greater. Not only did God choose me to be her mother, but he has also given me the responsibility of molding you into global citizen and mission maker. He has given me the job of raising you to be a robust and dynamic woman, that will help and protect the rights and wellbeing of all women. With the political and social climate of today, my level of motivation has heightened exponentially. Journei you give me a greater sense of purpose.
Beautiful Photo by @CharmariePhotography
Your brother, Marri, made me a better human by inspiring me to make the world safer and more favorable to individuals of color. Raising a young black boy makes you want to bring the best out in the world, so they, in turn, see the best in your son and not prejudge him out of a space of ignorance.
Having you as my daughter, makes me want to fight harder for all women to have the same rights and opportunities as you.
For all women to have the freedoms and unalienable rights they deserve. Journei girl, you have made your mom unstoppable. You have given me the strength to rise up from any of my weakest places and tap into a place I did not know existed.
You make me feel invincible because I want to be the best version of myself for you.
I love you forever,
Picture Perfect
Beautiful Photo by @CharmariePhotography
Capturing these precious moments of my baby girl Journei will forever be a highlight of my parenting adventures. I hired an extremely talented photographer name Charmeika Bias of Charmarie Photography, who specializes in perfectly capturing beautiful images of your newborn baby. Journei was a natural, similar to her brother Marri, once the camera came on she was ready for her photoshoot. She smiled and cooed and gave us some of the sweetest newborn “smizes” we could ask for from a little 14-day old supermodel. If you are debating if newborn photography is necessary for your baby, please remember that your baby will never be as young as they are in that moment, and this precious stage only lasts for such a short time. I hope you enjoy these adorable photos as much as we did, and for more newborn photoshoot cuteness, visit Charmarie Photography via social!