
“There is an endearing tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart.” -Washington Irving
Dear Marriman,
You are forever my babycakes, my marri man, my little shark. Today is your second birthday and I feel like you are two going on twenty-two.
You bring so much joy into this world. I have yet to encounter anyone who meets you that is not positively impacted by your smile, your tiny but mighty voice or the silly faces you make when you scrunch up your eyebrows.
You are so opinionated and I love it. Except for when you argue with me and say “no mommies” to something you do not want to do. You are so kind, your little voice confidently saying “thank tou” or “pwease, mommiez” warms my heart.
Your laughter lights up my soul. Those little teeth and cute dimples and chubby cheeks, you and your sister are the cutest kids I have ever seen and I am not just saying that because you are my babies.
What resonates most about you is your big heart, the way you share (when you feel like it) or the way you walk into a room and light it up with your energy. Promise me Marri, that you will never lose that spark.
I have no doubt in my mind how successful you will be when you grow up. You already exude the qualities of an amazing leader.
I remember when you were first born how afraid and fragile I was as a new mom. I wanted to get everything right, I wanted to be the perfect parent. Who knew that in two years I would have a rambunctious toddler I would have to roll on the floor to keep up with making me laugh multiple times throughout the day. Being your mom made me mentally and physically tough- yet it also made me have grace and an abundance of patience. You brought out the best in me, son, and I am forever grateful that God chose me to be your “mommiez.”
I love you Marri! Happy Birthday and continue to bring joy into this world.
Beautiful Photo by @CharMariePhotography